Sunday, September 27, 2009

Most Dominant Reflex

The Amygdala is hands down the most dominant reflex in reflexology today. If executed properly, the reflexologist can do a fine job of helping their clients normalize.


Renee D said...

I agree with you.....the Amygdale has a lot to do with everything that you are saying. I also believe that in order for it to do its job properly it needs a healthy functioning hypothalamus, limbic system, brain stem, and my personal favorite the endocrine system. I could be all wrong but I thought everything in the body worked together? I am working on how the endocrine system and the nerve distribution relates to the spinal vertebrae. I still do not have all the answers but it is all coming together. Thanks for giving me something else to think about, there is so much to learn……I LOVE REFLEXOLOGY!……..Have a great day Mr. Doug

Rupert said...
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Rupert said...

Hi. I'm a university English teacher. I politely suggest that you re-check the grammar of this post.